04.05.2016, Kategorie Archiv Europa

EFAA Präsident Bodo Richardt als Redner bei der gemeinsamen FCM/CILEA Konferenz für KMPs und KMUs

On 8 April 2016 EFAA President Bodo Richardt presented at a joint conference of Fédération des Experts Compatibles Méditerranéens (FCM) and The Comité de Integración Latino Europa-América (CILEA) hosted by EFAA member Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificates (OCC, formerly OTOC) at its brand new convention centre in Oporto. The Conference, entitled „Tools for Growth and Investment“, focused on SMEs and SMPs in the Mediterranean and Latin American Region. It assembled representatives of the profession from Europe, Latin America and Northern Africa as well as politicians like the Secretary of State of Portuguese Communities Abroad José Luís Carneiro and representatives of international institutions like UNCTAD economic affairs officer Yoseph Asmelash and IFAC officials. EFAA President Bodo Richardt presented on the panel on „SMEs & SMPs as the Engine for Growth in the Mediterranean Region“, moderated by CSOEC President and FCM Vice President Philippe Arraou. Mr Richardt focused on the importance of SMEs and SMPs for the European economy and introduced the audience to the main challenges that SMEs and SMPs face in Europe. He highlighted in particular that Europe’s SMPs consistently named keeping up with standards and regulations as their greatest challenge, drawing on the latest IFAC Global SMP Survey. The EFAA President urged SMPs, chambers and professional associations to build up a network to address this challenge confidently and united. Mr Richardt furthermore pointed to academic research and strategy papers from European professional bodies, like the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisers‘ (BStBK, Germany) Strategy Paper 2020, to show effective ways for SMPs to address their challenges. The other speaker on the panel, SMPC Deputy Chair Monica Foerster, reiterated the importance of an assertive and active profession and called in particular for female professionals to take a stance. Many expect Ms Foerster, a member of Brazil’s Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (CFC) and Instituto dos Auditores Independentes do Brasil (IBRACON) to assume the role of IFAC SMPC Chair after the statutory departure of the incumbent Giancarlo Attolini later this year. Stand: 4.5.2016

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